Mexico Trip

From Day 1, we have been very conscious of the fact that we were dating in Sage's country, culture, and language. As our relationship progressed, we talked more and more about Mexico. Oscar wanted to share stories from his childhood, family, and life experiences. He could learn so much about Sage just by living in Utah, meeting her family, and seeing the places that were important to her. Sage had a strong desire to understand Oscar on the same level and see him "in context". It became obvious that we would have to travel to Mexico.

We felt incredibly fortunate to have jobs that allowed us to take so much time off, and while both on a leave of absence from school, we were able to plan the trip for sooner than we had hoped!

It was incredible to be in Mexico. The food, the weather, the beach! But more than any of that, we were so grateful to connect with the people we visited. Oscar had truly missed friends and family, and Sage was so grateful she got to meet so many of the people who have made Oscar who he is today. We got engaged while on the trip, and there is nowhere else we would have rather been.

So many of you reading this were part of our trip! Muchas gracias por todo! Thank you for welcoming us, especially Sage, so fully into your homes and into your lives. We cannot wait to see you again.